AWS re:Invent 2018 List of presentation materials and videos of blockchain related sessions #reinvent

AWS re:Invent 2018 List of presentation materials and videos of blockchain related sessions #reinvent

List of presentation materials and videos of blockchain related sessions held at AWS re:Invent 2018
Clock Icon2018.12.01


GPSCT303 - Blockchain Architecture Design Patterns

When it comes to blockchain or any other technology, business use cases always come first. However, once the need for a distributed ledger-based platform is clear, how do you design a decentralized platform that adheres to the required trust and throughput requirements? In this chalk talk, we whiteboard blockchain architectures, best practices, and antipatterns for top blockchain protocols like Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Corda.


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GPSTEC315 - Build Business-Ready Blockchains with Intelligence

Blockchain continues to be called the next generation of technology, so why does it mystify so many? In this session, we discuss how AWS and its ecosystem will help deliver value beyond just infrastructure for blockchain. We include new announcements, the blockchain value proposition broken down, a customer story involving Intel and T-mobile, as well as Accenture and R3, moving solutions to production.




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GPSTEC317 - Building Blockchain Platforms Beyond a Proof of Concept

Blockchain is a distributed ledger-based technology that enables you to uniquely solve inefficiencies in business networks. However, like any exchange of value, it makes sense only when used by multiple parties. With the myriad of existing protocols and proposed applications, it can be difficult to decide on the right approach to implement a blockchain solution that best fits a given use case. In this talk, we dissect use cases and blockchain architectures built for multi-party consortiums in energy and financial services sectors. Our partners GuildOne and Kaleido highlight the architectural approaches to shared IT and consortium building using Corda and Ethereum protocols.



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MAE315 - Blockchain for Media & Entertainment - Buzz or Real?

Blockchain tech made big news last year due to the surge and interest in cryptocurrencies. However, real applications are yet to be seen in industry verticals such as Media & Entertainment, despite the interest. Possible use cases include secure content transactions in the preproduction/review and distribution of prereleased content, rights management for studio transactions and applications towards royalty payments, and authenticity verification of social media and other online videos and data. We are also seeing some innovative ideas around watermarking tech using blockchain tied to a specific actor within the media workflow to using bitcoin blockchain as a bounty mechanism to protect digital media from online piracy. In this session, we are accompanied by Custos Media, a startup in the M&E space revolutionizing the content distribution business with its novel watermarking and fraud/leak detection mechanism. We discuss the introduction towards blockchain, the applicability of this new tech in some of these M&E use cases, and dispel or discuss the anti-patterns for blockchain in some of these use cases.


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RET217 - Blockchain in Retail

Initial investigations into the use of blockchain often results in such questions as, “What can this technology do for us?” or “Can’t I just use a database?” rather than a more data-centric approach that can help define an effective blockchain strategy and help create a competitive advantage. In this chalk talk, we review a number of practical uses of blockchain within retail, from supply chain to inventory management, and from customer service conflict resolution to a customer maintaining virtual, transferable warranty wallets. The AWS Retail team presents some of the standard applications of blockchain with AWS in this interactive session. Bring your use cases to the whiteboard!


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SEC389 - Detecting Credential Compromise in AWS

Credential compromise in the cloud is not a threat that a single company faces. Rather, it is a widespread concern as more and more companies operate in the cloud. Credential compromise can lead to many different outcomes, depending on the motive of the attacker. In certain cases, this has led to erroneous AWS service usage for bitcoin mining or other nondestructive yet costly abuse. In other cases, it has led to companies shutting down due to the loss of data and infrastructure.



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STP05 - #BUIDLing the Decentralized Future on Ethereum

Over the past few years, the number of companies exploring blockchain solutions has skyrocketed, but for most, it is unclear where to start and what the right use cases are for their business. At ConsenSys, we are building all layers of the Web 3.0 stack, from protocol to application, and we are working with companies across all industries to create new business models based on blockchain. In this session, we  dive into blockchain, Ethereum, smart contracts, and more as we discuss real-world examples and where the space is heading.


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STP12 - Crypto 101/201

Blockchain technology has the potential to dramatically change the financial landscape. Kristen Stone, the product manager on the coinbase cryptocurrency payments team, and Jake Craige, the team’s technical lead, join us to discuss the evolution of the blockchain industry and its impact on our day-to-day lives. They dive deep into some of the inner workings of the technology, and they discuss the different types of blockchain models, smart contracts, consensus protocols, and what’s on the horizon.


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